The Greeks are Back
Greece as an attractive investment destination:
Greek senior executives working abroad offer their insights, experience, and advice
The Greeks are Back
Greece as an attractive investment destination:
Greek senior executives working abroad offer their insights, experience, and advice
The Starting Point
Everywhere you look, in any country of the world, you will find Greeks successful in various fields and businesses.
Especially in the business community, hundreds of Greeks excel in senior positions in large multinational companies around the world. These are experienced executives, with deep international knowledge and experience.
While developing their impressive professional careers abroad, these executives always have their hearts and souls in Greece. From their international vantage point, they can more clearly see both the positives and the negatives of their homeland. They cheer the successes of Greece, and yet feel discouraged by the shortcomings, especially when those shortcomings persist.
Greek executives abroad are eager to put their knowledge and experience at the disposal of Greece, so the country can overcome hurdles and shortcomings impeding its attractiveness as an investment destination.
The Idea
Organizing, on an annual basis, a conference with Greek senior executives of multinational companies abroad, to discuss and put forward specific proposals to the Greek state to improve the framework for attracting foreign investment.
The Objectives
Emeritus Group
THE GREEKS ARE BACK Emeritus Group works as follows:
- Advises the organizers on the best organization and operation of the annual THE GREEKS ARE BACK Conference.
- Participates in the works of the Conferences, depending on the Working Groups.
- Honorary Members composition will be renewed every two years and by half of it.